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International Conference
Calling Access Rates

IDT Connect Conference Calling Service provides you International access from over 40+ Countries, allowing participants to connect to one conference room easily and cost-effectively. Now you can easily collaborate with your customers or employees wherever they are around the world.

The low international rates listed below will be applied to the portion of the conference call that is originated from any of the following countries:

Country Rates
Argentina $0.10
Australia $0.19
Austria $0.10
  Austria-mobile $0.38
Bahrain $1.12
Belgium $0.19
Brazil $0.59
Canada (same as domestic)
Chile $0.14
China (North) $0.94
China (South) $0.94
Colombia $0.17
Denmark $0.15
Finland $0.16
France $0.26
Germany $0.10
 Germany-payphone $0.40
Greece $0.42
Hong Kong $0.26
India $0.25
Ireland $0.10
 Ireland-mobile $0.40
 Ireland-payphone $0.42
Israel $0.15
Italy $0.14
Japan $0.47
Luxembourg $0.19
Mexico $0.30
Netherlands $0.13
New Zealand $0.25
Norway $0.24
Poland $0.38
Portugal $0.12
Romania $0.40
Russia (Moscow) $0.50
Russia (St Petersburg) $0.50
Singapore $0.38
S. Korea $0.22
Spain $0.10
Sweden $0.12
Switzerland $0.17
Taiwan $0.30
Taiwan-mobile $0.75
Thailand $0.76
United Kingdom $0.10
United Kingdom-payphone $0.40



What customers are saying
about IDT Connect:
"From my experience the IDT Connect service works very well... we have held bridges with more people than usual, and it has performed well."
Operations Manager,
Large International Bank
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